Are you in a financial bind and need your home sold fast? Many people get stuck selling their home in a short sale to avoid foreclosure. Losing your job or getting into a financial bind is becoming more and more common. People who never would have thought they would be in this position are being forced into a corner.
The solution: putting your home on the market as fast as possible to get the most value out of it will get you farther than waiting for your financial situation to get better. Listing your home with a real estate agent rather than trying to sell it on your own will also get your home sold faster. Pricing it according to market value or a little bit under will attract the right buyer.
Does Craigslist really work getting my home sold? The answer varies from state to state and depends on the amount of web traffic the real estate section of craigslist is receiving. Looking for a real estate agent that presents their listings in a professional manor on Craigslist will help bring in more buyers than an open house ever will. Using a real estate agent that is up to date on technology is something that most buyers do not look for. They look for someone who has a lot of listings because they appear to be doing a large amount of business. This can be deceiving. Do research and look on Craigslist for a realtor that knows what they are doing when it comes to the marketing of your home for sale.
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